Seeking Truth – Finding The Knowledge Of God
Welcome to Warroad Community Church! We are so blessed to be able to give you backpacks and school supplies to support your children as they grow in knowledge.
Our heart is to meet the spiritual needs of the Warroad Community and disciple people in the knowledge of God.
We welcome everyone in the community who is interested in exploring faith to join us in a non-judgmental environment. Our saying at Warroad Community Church is
You can belong here, no matter what background you come from or what you believe. You can begin your walk with Jesus at Warroad Community Church, a place where you can BELONG before you believe, BELIEVE before you begin and BEGIN before it’s too late.
That’s right – you can belong here no matter your background or what you believe. If you are seeking the truth, come seek truth with us. We believe Jesus when He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We would love to connect with you and discuss what Jesus meant by that.
As a Christian, non-denominational church, we believe in the doctrines of the Christian faith.
Check out our CORE VALUES and additional STATEMENTS OF FAITH. As a church focused on relationship, you’ll find grace and mercy is abundant here. Please accept our invitation to join us on Sunday and get to know God and His Son Jesus.
Warroad Community Church desires to grow fellowship of the saints. Together as a family we bear one anothers burdens, encouraging each other in the faith. The love we have for each other is demonstrated by the kindness we have toward one another.
On the 1st of the Month we have a banquet after church service. Some people call these pot-lucks. We like to think of them as pot-blessings. People who are able bring food to share with others and we all spend time together over a meal.
To better apply and grow in our faith we have life groups which are an opportunity to connect with a smaller group of safe individuals as they gather to discuss the most recent sermon as it applies to their life. This is a great time of relationship where support and care is found.
Daily devotional emails break down the message delivered on Sunday into smaller bites with reflection questions and summaries of key points. This helps keep us focused each day on growing in truth and knowledge of God.
Bible Reading Plans offered in our Church Center app as well as physical Bible Reading Plan Bookmark helps you focus on the Word of God on a daily basis.
Men, Women, Kids, and Youth ministries focus on specific groups to bring us together to grow in knowledge of the Lord.